香港言語治療師公會自2018年起,獲衞生署授權為認可醫療專業團體,負責管理言語治療師名 冊。香港言語治療師公會的成立,旨在確保公眾能獲得由合資格言語治療師提供的言語治療服務。
VISIT HKISTFive is an in-browser, low-code development environment with native support for custom code. Five never limits you by what’s available out of the box. Code your own components and benefit from full programmability and extensibility.
VISIT FIVE香港言語治療師協會於1981年成立。初期在二十多位海外訓練的言語治療師促使下,成立了本協會,以加強業界的連繫,並作為分享資訊的平台。直至1989年,香港大學開設了言語及聽覺科學課程,在本地訓練言語治療師。自此,本協會會員數目亦日漸增加。
VISIT HKAST“By reaching out through kindness, ImpactHK seeks to transform the lives of the homeless – one life at a time.”
VISIT IMPACTHKZephyr Education Inc (formerly, Zephyr Foundation) was founded by a group of volunteers who got together in 2013 to help children at domestic violence shelters get on with their education by supplying them with everything they need to start at their new school.
VISIT ZEPHYR香港兔唇裂顎協會 是本港唯一一個專為唇顎裂患兒/患者,與及懷有唇顎裂胎兒的家長提供支援服務的註冊非牟利病人組織。 本會為香港稅務局核准接受慈善捐款的團體;並為香港社會服務聯會、香港病人組織聯盟及香港兒童權利委員會的成員。
VISIT HKACLPLove 21 is a charity empowering the Down syndrome and autistic community in Hong Kong through sport, nutrition, and holistic support programmes. Since the launch of our comprehensive nutrition programme in 2021, we’ve provided one-on-one nutritional support on top of the sports classes that we’ve offered.
VISIT LOVE 21“Augustine” is founded by a group of passionate professionals in Hong Kong. We believe everyone deserves the right to reach their potential.
VISIT S.P.CS.P.C. 國際年青才俊交流協會創會於2014年,創辦人為主席彭心先生,聯合創辦人為副主席楊曉欣女士及會長湯志偉先生。商會宗旨為貫徹中華人民共和國一國兩制發展方針;擁護香港特別行政區依法施政。
VISIT LIONSCLUB HK香港港東獅子會創立於一九七七年七月十八日, 由李琳明、區潔名、盧振聲、劉璧生等獅兄發貣創會,鑪峰獅子會鄒振猷會長任指導獅兄,在籌備期間,獲當任303區總監黃頌盈獅兄、擴展組主席李國賢獅兄協助,順利得獲國際獅子總會批準授證,並於吳彥男前總監任內假座富麗華大酒店舉行第一屆職員就職典禮及女賓夕慈善餐舞會。
VISIT KCSRAES香港蘇浙滬同鄉會於1946年成立。回顧其歷史發展則追溯於1939年成立的「旅港蘇浙滬商人協會」,當時以聯絡鄉誼,加強同鄉之互助合作為主,及後籌組有「蘇浙同鄉遣送歸鄉委員會」及「蘇浙旅港同鄉會」,主要工作為遣送難僑、贈醫施藥、卹災助殮,以造福旅居香港之同鄉、服務香港社會為宗旨。
VISIT LOVE 21The LOVE 21 Foundation’s inaugural “Music + Arts Festival” is a celebration of ability. By bringing together anyone with special needs, their families and caregivers through the medium of music and arts, LOVE 21 Foundation seeks to pay tribute to this special community.